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Wiki L’Atelier des Sorciers

Journal des déclenchements du filtre anti-abus

Navigation du filtre anti-abus (Accueil | Modifications récentes des filtres | Examiner les modifications passées | Journal des abus)
Détails pour l’entrée 10 du journal

12 août 2024 à 22:55 : 2a02:26f7:c9cc:4000:6bc1:61ed:cc69:e2bb (discussion) a déclenché le filtre filtre global 4 en effectuant l’action « edit » sur Modèle:Carte interactive. Actions entreprises : aucune ; Description du filtre : Prevent non-autoconfirmed users editing (examiner | diff)

Changements effectués lors de la modification

local p = {}
local coord = require( "Module:Coordinates" )

local function normalise(args)
local lookup_table = {
['largeur'] = 'width',
['hauteur'] = 'height',
['texte'] = 'text',
['legende'] = 'text',
['légende'] = 'text',
['déscription'] = 'description',
['titre'] = 'title',
['sans_cadre'] = 'frameless',
['symbole'] = 'symbol',
['couleur'] = 'color',
['taille'] = 'size',
['epaisseur'] = 'size',
['épaisseur'] = 'size',
['opacite'] = 'opacity',
['opacité'] = 'opacity',
['epaisseur contour'] = 'outline_size',
['épaisseur contour'] = 'outline_size',
['couleur contour'] = 'outline_color',
['opacite contour'] = 'opacity',
['opacité contour'] = 'opacity',
['couleur fond'] = 'fill_color',
['opacite fond'] = 'fill_opacity',
['opacité fond'] = 'fill_opacity',
['geoline'] = 'contour',
['requête'] = 'query',
['requete'] = 'query',
['request'] = 'query',
['langue'] = 'lang',
for k, v in pairs(lookup_table) do
if args[k] ~= nil then
args[v] = args[k]
return args
local function decodeJsonList(value)
--[[ Plusieurs modèles, dont {{Carte interactive/Marqueur}}, ajoutent des
virgules à la fin des représentations JSON des objets. Cela fonctionne avec
le parsing JSON relaxé de HHVM, mais pas PHP7. Ce bug est détaillé ici:
Cette fonction retire donc les virgules finales et initiales, avant
d'appeler mw.text.jsonDecode sur la liste.
local trimmedValue = mw.text.trim(value, ',')
return mw.text.jsonDecode('[' .. trimmedValue .. ']')
function p.marker(frame)
local args = normalise(frame:getParent().args)
if args[1] == nil and args.latlng == nil then --One coordinate is mandatory
local properties = {
['marker-color'] = args.color == nil and '#555555' or args.color,
['marker-size'] = args.size == nil and 'medium' or args.size,
['marker-symbol'] = args.symbol == nil and '' or args.symbol,
['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title,
['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description,
local latlng = mw.text.split( (args[1] == nil and args.latlng or args[1]), ",", true )
if args.randomise ~= nil then
latlng[1] = latlng[1] + math.random(-tonumber(args.randomise), tonumber(args.randomise))/100000
latlng[2] = latlng[2] + math.random(-tonumber(args.randomise), tonumber(args.randomise))/100000
local geojson = {
            type = "Feature",
            properties = properties,
            geometry = {
                type = "Point",
                coordinates = {
    return mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson) .. ','
function p.line(frame)
local args = normalise(frame:getParent().args)
if args[2] == nil then --At least two coordinates are mandatory
local properties = {
["stroke"] = args.color == nil and '#555555' or args.color,
["stroke-width"] = args.size == nil and 2 or tonumber(args.size),
["stroke-opacity"] = args.opacity == nil and 1 or tonumber(args.opacity),
['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title,
['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description,
local coordinates = {}
local i = 1
while args[i] ~= nil do
local latlng = mw.text.split( args[i], ",", true )
coordinates[i] = {
i = i+1
local geojson = {
            type = "Feature",
            properties = properties,
            geometry = {
                type = "LineString",
                coordinates = coordinates
    return mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson) .. ','
function p.polygon(frame)
local args = normalise(frame:getParent().args)
if args[3] == nil then --At least three coordinates are mandatory
local properties = {
["stroke"] = args.color == nil and '#555555' or args.color,
["stroke-width"] = args.size == nil and 2 or tonumber(args.size),
["stroke-opacity"] = args.opacity == nil and 1 or tonumber(args.opacity),
["fill"] = args.fill_color == nil and '#555555' or args.fill_color,
["fill-opacity"] = args.fill_opacity == nil and 0.3 or tonumber(args.fill_opacity),
['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title,
['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description,
local coordinates = {}
local i = 1
while args[i] ~= nil do
local latlng = mw.text.split( args[i], ",", true )
coordinates[i] = {
i = i+1
local latlng = mw.text.split( args[1], ",", true )
coordinates[i] = {
local geojson = {
            type = "Feature",
            properties = properties,
            geometry = {
                type = "Polygon",
                coordinates = { coordinates }
    return mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson) .. ','
function p.query(frame)
local args = normalise(frame:getParent().args)
local query
if args[1] ~= nil then
query = args[1]
local properties = {
["stroke"] = args.color == nil and '#555555' or args.color,
["stroke-width"] = args.size == nil and 2 or tonumber(args.size),
["stroke-opacity"] = args.opacity == nil and 1 or tonumber(args.opacity),
["fill"] = args.fill_color == nil and '#555555' or args.fill_color,
["fill-opacity"] = args.fill_opacity == nil and 0.3 or tonumber(args.fill_opacity),
['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title,
['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description,
local service = "geoshape"
if args.contour ~= nil then
service = "geoline"
local geojson = {
type = "ExternalData",
service = service,
query = query,
properties = properties,
    return mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson) .. ','
function p.osm(frame)
local args = normalise(frame:getParent().args)
local qid
if args[1] == nil then
qid = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage()
qid = mw.text.trim(args[1])
local properties = {
["stroke"] = args.color == nil and '#555555' or args.color,
["stroke-width"] = args.size == nil and 2 or tonumber(args.size),
["stroke-opacity"] = args.opacity == nil and 1 or tonumber(args.opacity),
["fill"] = args.fill_color == nil and '#555555' or args.fill_color,
["fill-opacity"] = args.fill_opacity == nil and 0.3 or tonumber(args.fill_opacity),
['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title,
['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description,
local service = "geoshape"
if args.contour ~= nil then
service = "geoline"
local geojson = {
type = "ExternalData",
service = service,
ids = qid,
properties = properties,
    return mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson) .. ','
function p.commons(frame)
local args = normalise(frame:getParent().args)
if args[1] == nil then
local page_name = args[1]
if mw.ustring.find(page_name, "Data:", 1, true) == 1 then
page_name = string.sub(page_name, 6)
if mw.ustring.find(page_name, ".map", -4, true) == nil then
page_name = page_name .. '.map'
local geojson = {
type = "ExternalData",
service = "page",
title = page_name
    return mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson) .. ','
function p.wikidata(frame)
local args = normalise(frame:getParent().args)
local qid
local properties = {
['marker-color'] = args.color == nil and '#555555' or args.color,
['marker-size'] = args.size == nil and 'medium' or args.size,
['marker-symbol'] = args.symbol == nil and '' or args.symbol,
['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title,
['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description,
if args[1] == nil then
qid = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage()
qid = args[1]
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( qid )
local value = entity:formatPropertyValues( 'P625', { mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks.RANK_NORMAL, mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks.RANK_PREFERRED, mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks.RANK_TRUTH } ).value
if value == nil then
error('La propriété P625 "coordonnées géographiques" n\'est pas renseigné sur Wikidata')
latlng = mw.text.split( mw.text.decode(value), ", ", true )
geojson = {
type = "Feature",
geometry = {
type = "Point",
coordinates = {
properties = properties
return mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson) .. ','
function p.tag(frame)
    local args = ( frame.getParent and normalise(frame:getParent().args) ) or frame
-- Choose the tagname
local tagname = 'mapframe'
if args.lien ~= nil then
tagname = 'maplink'
-- Manage the basics tag params
local tagArgs = {
zoom = args.zoom == nil and args.commons == nil and 14 or tonumber(args.zoom),
height = args.height == nil and 420 or tonumber(args.height),
width = args.width == nil and 420 or tonumber(args.width),
align = args.align == nil and 'right' or args.align,
text = args.text,
if args[1] ~= nil and (args.latitude ~= nil or args.longitude ~= nil) then
error('La ou les valeurs de longitude et/ou de latitude ont été fournis via deux syntaxe différentes. Consultez la documentation du [[Modèle:Carte interactive]] pour obtenir une syntaxe correcte')
elseif args.latitude ~= nil and args.latitude ~= ''
and args.longitude ~= nil and args.longitude ~= '' then
tagArgs.latitude = args.latitude
tagArgs.longitude = args.longitude
elseif args[1] ~= nil and args[2] ~= nil then
tagArgs.latitude = args[1]
tagArgs.longitude = args[2]
elseif args.commons == nil and args.wikidata == nil
and args.formes == nil and args.query == nil and args.externes == nil then --The only exceptions allowed to put latitude and longitude away are when using an external map stored on commons, coord from wikidata, formes, query or externes
error('Les paramètres de latitude et/ou de longitude sont absent')
if tagArgs.latitude ~= nil and tagArgs.longitude ~= nil then
if tonumber(tagArgs.latitude) then
tagArgs.latitude = tonumber(tagArgs.latitude)
tagArgs.latitude = coord._dms2dec(coord._parsedmsstring(tagArgs.latitude))
if tonumber(tagArgs.longitude) then
tagArgs.longitude = tonumber(tagArgs.longitude)
tagArgs.longitude = coord._dms2dec(coord._parsedmsstring(tagArgs.longitude))
if args.frameless then
tagArgs.frameless = ''
if args.lang ~= nil then
tagArgs.lang = args.lang
-- Manage the basics GeoJSON params
local geojson = {}
if args.commons ~= nil then
geojson[#geojson+1] = {
type = "ExternalData",
service = "page",
title = args.commons,
if args.marqueur ~= nil and args.marqueur ~= '' then
geojson[#geojson+1] = {
type = "Feature",
geometry = {
type = "Point",
coordinates = {
properties = {
['marker-color'] = (args.color == nil or args.color == '') and '#555555' or args.color,
['marker-size'] = (args.size == nil or args.size == '') and 'medium' or args.size,
['marker-symbol'] = args.symbol == nil and '' or args.symbol,
['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title,
['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description,
if args.osm ~= nil and args.osm ~= '' then
local qid
if args.osm == 'oui' then
qid = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage()
if qid == nil then
qid = "Q1"
qid = args.osm
local service = "geoshape"
if args.contour ~= nil then
service = "geoline"
geojson[#geojson+1] = {
type = "ExternalData",
service = service,
ids = qid,
properties = {
['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title,
['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description,
['stroke'] = args.outline_color == nil and '#555555' or args.outline_color,
['stroke-width'] = args.outline_size == nil and 2 or tonumber(args.outline_size),
local qid = args.wikidata
if qid and not mw.wikibase.isValidEntityId( qid ) then
qid = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage()
if qid and mw.wikibase.isValidEntityId( qid ) then
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( qid )
local value = entity:formatPropertyValues( 'P625', { mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks.RANK_NORMAL, mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks.RANK_PREFERRED, mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks.RANK_TRUTH } ).value
if value == '' then
error('La propriété P625 "coordonnées géographiques" n\'est pas renseigné sur Wikidata')
latlng = mw.text.split( mw.text.decode(value), ", ", true )
geojson[#geojson+1] = {
type = "Feature",
geometry = {
type = "Point",
coordinates = {
properties = {
title = args.title == nil and '' or args.title,
description = args.description == nil and '' or args.description,
if args.query ~= nil then
local service = "geoshape"
if args.contour ~= nil then
service = "geoline"
geojson[#geojson+1] = {
type = "ExternalData",
service = service,
query = args.query,
properties = {
title = args.title == nil and '' or args.title,
description = args.description == nil and '' or args.description,
--Manage external GeoJSON datas included through models
if args.formes ~= nil then
geojson[#geojson+1] = {
type = "FeatureCollection",
features = decodeJsonList(args.formes)
if args.externes ~= nil and args.externes ~= '' then
local externes = decodeJsonList(args.externes)
for k, externe in pairs(externes) do
geojson[#geojson+1] = externe
return frame:extensionTag(tagname, mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson), tagArgs)

Paramètres de l’action

Nom du compte de l’utilisateur (user_name)
Groupes (y compris les implicites) dont l’utilisateur est membre (user_groups)
[ 0 => '*' ]
Groupes globaux auxquels appartient l’utilisateur (global_user_groups)
Identifiant de la page (page_id)
Espace de noms de la page (page_namespace)
Titre de la page (sans l’espace de noms) (page_title)
'Carte interactive'
Titre complet de la page (page_prefixedtitle)
'Modèle:Carte interactive'
Action (action)
Résumé / motif des modifications (summary)
Ancien modèle de contenu (old_content_model)
Nouveau modèle de contenu (new_content_model)
Texte wiki de l’ancienne page, avant la modification (old_wikitext)
Wikicode de la page après la modification (new_wikitext)
'local p = {} local coord = require( "Module:Coordinates" ) local function normalise(args) local lookup_table = { ['largeur'] = 'width', ['hauteur'] = 'height', ['texte'] = 'text', ['legende'] = 'text', ['légende'] = 'text', ['déscription'] = 'description', ['titre'] = 'title', ['sans_cadre'] = 'frameless', ['symbole'] = 'symbol', ['couleur'] = 'color', ['taille'] = 'size', ['epaisseur'] = 'size', ['épaisseur'] = 'size', ['opacite'] = 'opacity', ['opacité'] = 'opacity', ['epaisseur contour'] = 'outline_size', ['épaisseur contour'] = 'outline_size', ['couleur contour'] = 'outline_color', ['opacite contour'] = 'opacity', ['opacité contour'] = 'opacity', ['couleur fond'] = 'fill_color', ['opacite fond'] = 'fill_opacity', ['opacité fond'] = 'fill_opacity', ['geoline'] = 'contour', ['requête'] = 'query', ['requete'] = 'query', ['request'] = 'query', ['langue'] = 'lang', } for k, v in pairs(lookup_table) do if args[k] ~= nil then args[v] = args[k] end end return args end local function decodeJsonList(value) --[[ Plusieurs modèles, dont {{Carte interactive/Marqueur}}, ajoutent des virgules à la fin des représentations JSON des objets. Cela fonctionne avec le parsing JSON relaxé de HHVM, mais pas PHP7. Ce bug est détaillé ici: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T214984 Cette fonction retire donc les virgules finales et initiales, avant d'appeler mw.text.jsonDecode sur la liste. ]] local trimmedValue = mw.text.trim(value, ',') return mw.text.jsonDecode('[' .. trimmedValue .. ']') end function p.marker(frame) local args = normalise(frame:getParent().args) if args[1] == nil and args.latlng == nil then --One coordinate is mandatory return end local properties = { ['marker-color'] = args.color == nil and '#555555' or args.color, ['marker-size'] = args.size == nil and 'medium' or args.size, ['marker-symbol'] = args.symbol == nil and '' or args.symbol, ['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title, ['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description, } local latlng = mw.text.split( (args[1] == nil and args.latlng or args[1]), ",", true ) if args.randomise ~= nil then latlng[1] = latlng[1] + math.random(-tonumber(args.randomise), tonumber(args.randomise))/100000 latlng[2] = latlng[2] + math.random(-tonumber(args.randomise), tonumber(args.randomise))/100000 end local geojson = { type = "Feature", properties = properties, geometry = { type = "Point", coordinates = { tonumber(latlng[2]), tonumber(latlng[1]), } } } return mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson) .. ',' end function p.line(frame) local args = normalise(frame:getParent().args) if args[2] == nil then --At least two coordinates are mandatory return end local properties = { ["stroke"] = args.color == nil and '#555555' or args.color, ["stroke-width"] = args.size == nil and 2 or tonumber(args.size), ["stroke-opacity"] = args.opacity == nil and 1 or tonumber(args.opacity), ['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title, ['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description, } local coordinates = {} local i = 1 while args[i] ~= nil do local latlng = mw.text.split( args[i], ",", true ) coordinates[i] = { tonumber(latlng[2]), tonumber(latlng[1]), } i = i+1 end local geojson = { type = "Feature", properties = properties, geometry = { type = "LineString", coordinates = coordinates } } return mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson) .. ',' end function p.polygon(frame) local args = normalise(frame:getParent().args) if args[3] == nil then --At least three coordinates are mandatory return end local properties = { ["stroke"] = args.color == nil and '#555555' or args.color, ["stroke-width"] = args.size == nil and 2 or tonumber(args.size), ["stroke-opacity"] = args.opacity == nil and 1 or tonumber(args.opacity), ["fill"] = args.fill_color == nil and '#555555' or args.fill_color, ["fill-opacity"] = args.fill_opacity == nil and 0.3 or tonumber(args.fill_opacity), ['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title, ['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description, } local coordinates = {} local i = 1 while args[i] ~= nil do local latlng = mw.text.split( args[i], ",", true ) coordinates[i] = { tonumber(latlng[2]), tonumber(latlng[1]), } i = i+1 end local latlng = mw.text.split( args[1], ",", true ) coordinates[i] = { tonumber(latlng[2]), tonumber(latlng[1]), } local geojson = { type = "Feature", properties = properties, geometry = { type = "Polygon", coordinates = { coordinates } } } return mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson) .. ',' end function p.query(frame) local args = normalise(frame:getParent().args) local query if args[1] ~= nil then query = args[1] else return end local properties = { ["stroke"] = args.color == nil and '#555555' or args.color, ["stroke-width"] = args.size == nil and 2 or tonumber(args.size), ["stroke-opacity"] = args.opacity == nil and 1 or tonumber(args.opacity), ["fill"] = args.fill_color == nil and '#555555' or args.fill_color, ["fill-opacity"] = args.fill_opacity == nil and 0.3 or tonumber(args.fill_opacity), ['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title, ['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description, } local service = "geoshape" if args.contour ~= nil then service = "geoline" end local geojson = { type = "ExternalData", service = service, query = query, properties = properties, } return mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson) .. ',' end function p.osm(frame) local args = normalise(frame:getParent().args) local qid if args[1] == nil then qid = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage() else qid = mw.text.trim(args[1]) end local properties = { ["stroke"] = args.color == nil and '#555555' or args.color, ["stroke-width"] = args.size == nil and 2 or tonumber(args.size), ["stroke-opacity"] = args.opacity == nil and 1 or tonumber(args.opacity), ["fill"] = args.fill_color == nil and '#555555' or args.fill_color, ["fill-opacity"] = args.fill_opacity == nil and 0.3 or tonumber(args.fill_opacity), ['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title, ['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description, } local service = "geoshape" if args.contour ~= nil then service = "geoline" end local geojson = { type = "ExternalData", service = service, ids = qid, properties = properties, } return mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson) .. ',' end function p.commons(frame) local args = normalise(frame:getParent().args) if args[1] == nil then return end local page_name = args[1] if mw.ustring.find(page_name, "Data:", 1, true) == 1 then page_name = string.sub(page_name, 6) end if mw.ustring.find(page_name, ".map", -4, true) == nil then page_name = page_name .. '.map' end local geojson = { type = "ExternalData", service = "page", title = page_name } return mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson) .. ',' end function p.wikidata(frame) local args = normalise(frame:getParent().args) local qid local properties = { ['marker-color'] = args.color == nil and '#555555' or args.color, ['marker-size'] = args.size == nil and 'medium' or args.size, ['marker-symbol'] = args.symbol == nil and '' or args.symbol, ['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title, ['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description, } if args[1] == nil then qid = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage() else qid = args[1] end local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( qid ) local value = entity:formatPropertyValues( 'P625', { mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks.RANK_NORMAL, mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks.RANK_PREFERRED, mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks.RANK_TRUTH } ).value if value == nil then error('La propriété P625 "coordonnées géographiques" n\'est pas renseigné sur Wikidata') end latlng = mw.text.split( mw.text.decode(value), ", ", true ) geojson = { type = "Feature", geometry = { type = "Point", coordinates = { coord._dms2dec(coord._parsedmsstring(latlng[2])), coord._dms2dec(coord._parsedmsstring(latlng[1])) } }, properties = properties } return mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson) .. ',' end function p.tag(frame) local args = ( frame.getParent and normalise(frame:getParent().args) ) or frame -- Choose the tagname local tagname = 'mapframe' if args.lien ~= nil then tagname = 'maplink' end -- Manage the basics tag params local tagArgs = { zoom = args.zoom == nil and args.commons == nil and 14 or tonumber(args.zoom), height = args.height == nil and 420 or tonumber(args.height), width = args.width == nil and 420 or tonumber(args.width), align = args.align == nil and 'right' or args.align, text = args.text, } if args[1] ~= nil and (args.latitude ~= nil or args.longitude ~= nil) then error('La ou les valeurs de longitude et/ou de latitude ont été fournis via deux syntaxe différentes. Consultez la documentation du [[Modèle:Carte interactive]] pour obtenir une syntaxe correcte') elseif args.latitude ~= nil and args.latitude ~= '' and args.longitude ~= nil and args.longitude ~= '' then tagArgs.latitude = args.latitude tagArgs.longitude = args.longitude elseif args[1] ~= nil and args[2] ~= nil then tagArgs.latitude = args[1] tagArgs.longitude = args[2] elseif args.commons == nil and args.wikidata == nil and args.formes == nil and args.query == nil and args.externes == nil then --The only exceptions allowed to put latitude and longitude away are when using an external map stored on commons, coord from wikidata, formes, query or externes error('Les paramètres de latitude et/ou de longitude sont absent') end if tagArgs.latitude ~= nil and tagArgs.longitude ~= nil then if tonumber(tagArgs.latitude) then tagArgs.latitude = tonumber(tagArgs.latitude) else tagArgs.latitude = coord._dms2dec(coord._parsedmsstring(tagArgs.latitude)) end if tonumber(tagArgs.longitude) then tagArgs.longitude = tonumber(tagArgs.longitude) else tagArgs.longitude = coord._dms2dec(coord._parsedmsstring(tagArgs.longitude)) end end if args.frameless then tagArgs.frameless = '' end if args.lang ~= nil then tagArgs.lang = args.lang end -- Manage the basics GeoJSON params local geojson = {} if args.commons ~= nil then geojson[#geojson+1] = { type = "ExternalData", service = "page", title = args.commons, } end if args.marqueur ~= nil and args.marqueur ~= '' then geojson[#geojson+1] = { type = "Feature", geometry = { type = "Point", coordinates = { tagArgs.longitude, tagArgs.latitude } }, properties = { ['marker-color'] = (args.color == nil or args.color == '') and '#555555' or args.color, ['marker-size'] = (args.size == nil or args.size == '') and 'medium' or args.size, ['marker-symbol'] = args.symbol == nil and '' or args.symbol, ['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title, ['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description, } } end if args.osm ~= nil and args.osm ~= '' then local qid if args.osm == 'oui' then qid = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage() if qid == nil then qid = "Q1" end else qid = args.osm end local service = "geoshape" if args.contour ~= nil then service = "geoline" end geojson[#geojson+1] = { type = "ExternalData", service = service, ids = qid, properties = { ['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title, ['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description, ['stroke'] = args.outline_color == nil and '#555555' or args.outline_color, ['stroke-width'] = args.outline_size == nil and 2 or tonumber(args.outline_size), } } end local qid = args.wikidata if qid and not mw.wikibase.isValidEntityId( qid ) then qid = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage() end if qid and mw.wikibase.isValidEntityId( qid ) then local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( qid ) local value = entity:formatPropertyValues( 'P625', { mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks.RANK_NORMAL, mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks.RANK_PREFERRED, mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks.RANK_TRUTH } ).value if value == '' then error('La propriété P625 "coordonnées géographiques" n\'est pas renseigné sur Wikidata') end latlng = mw.text.split( mw.text.decode(value), ", ", true ) geojson[#geojson+1] = { type = "Feature", geometry = { type = "Point", coordinates = { coord._dms2dec(coord._parsedmsstring(latlng[2])), coord._dms2dec(coord._parsedmsstring(latlng[1])) } }, properties = { title = args.title == nil and '' or args.title, description = args.description == nil and '' or args.description, } } end if args.query ~= nil then local service = "geoshape" if args.contour ~= nil then service = "geoline" end geojson[#geojson+1] = { type = "ExternalData", service = service, query = args.query, properties = { title = args.title == nil and '' or args.title, description = args.description == nil and '' or args.description, } } end --Manage external GeoJSON datas included through models if args.formes ~= nil then geojson[#geojson+1] = { type = "FeatureCollection", features = decodeJsonList(args.formes) } end if args.externes ~= nil and args.externes ~= '' then local externes = decodeJsonList(args.externes) for k, externe in pairs(externes) do geojson[#geojson+1] = externe end end return frame:extensionTag(tagname, mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson), tagArgs) end return'
Diff unifié des changements faits lors de la modification (edit_diff)
'@@ -1,0 +1,479 @@ +local p = {} +local coord = require( "Module:Coordinates" ) + +local function normalise(args) + local lookup_table = { + ['largeur'] = 'width', + ['hauteur'] = 'height', + ['texte'] = 'text', + ['legende'] = 'text', + ['légende'] = 'text', + ['déscription'] = 'description', + ['titre'] = 'title', + ['sans_cadre'] = 'frameless', + ['symbole'] = 'symbol', + ['couleur'] = 'color', + ['taille'] = 'size', + ['epaisseur'] = 'size', + ['épaisseur'] = 'size', + ['opacite'] = 'opacity', + ['opacité'] = 'opacity', + ['epaisseur contour'] = 'outline_size', + ['épaisseur contour'] = 'outline_size', + ['couleur contour'] = 'outline_color', + ['opacite contour'] = 'opacity', + ['opacité contour'] = 'opacity', + ['couleur fond'] = 'fill_color', + ['opacite fond'] = 'fill_opacity', + ['opacité fond'] = 'fill_opacity', + ['geoline'] = 'contour', + ['requête'] = 'query', + ['requete'] = 'query', + ['request'] = 'query', + ['langue'] = 'lang', + } + + for k, v in pairs(lookup_table) do + if args[k] ~= nil then + args[v] = args[k] + end + end + + return args +end + +local function decodeJsonList(value) + --[[ Plusieurs modèles, dont {{Carte interactive/Marqueur}}, ajoutent des + virgules à la fin des représentations JSON des objets. Cela fonctionne avec + le parsing JSON relaxé de HHVM, mais pas PHP7. Ce bug est détaillé ici: + https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T214984 + Cette fonction retire donc les virgules finales et initiales, avant + d'appeler mw.text.jsonDecode sur la liste. + ]] + local trimmedValue = mw.text.trim(value, ',') + return mw.text.jsonDecode('[' .. trimmedValue .. ']') +end + +function p.marker(frame) + local args = normalise(frame:getParent().args) + + if args[1] == nil and args.latlng == nil then --One coordinate is mandatory + return + end + + local properties = { + ['marker-color'] = args.color == nil and '#555555' or args.color, + ['marker-size'] = args.size == nil and 'medium' or args.size, + ['marker-symbol'] = args.symbol == nil and '' or args.symbol, + ['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title, + ['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description, + } + + local latlng = mw.text.split( (args[1] == nil and args.latlng or args[1]), ",", true ) + + if args.randomise ~= nil then + latlng[1] = latlng[1] + math.random(-tonumber(args.randomise), tonumber(args.randomise))/100000 + latlng[2] = latlng[2] + math.random(-tonumber(args.randomise), tonumber(args.randomise))/100000 + end + + local geojson = { + type = "Feature", + properties = properties, + geometry = { + type = "Point", + coordinates = { + tonumber(latlng[2]), + tonumber(latlng[1]), + } + } + } + return mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson) .. ',' +end + +function p.line(frame) + local args = normalise(frame:getParent().args) + + if args[2] == nil then --At least two coordinates are mandatory + return + end + + local properties = { + ["stroke"] = args.color == nil and '#555555' or args.color, + ["stroke-width"] = args.size == nil and 2 or tonumber(args.size), + ["stroke-opacity"] = args.opacity == nil and 1 or tonumber(args.opacity), + ['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title, + ['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description, + } + + local coordinates = {} + local i = 1 + while args[i] ~= nil do + local latlng = mw.text.split( args[i], ",", true ) + coordinates[i] = { + tonumber(latlng[2]), + tonumber(latlng[1]), + } + i = i+1 + end + + local geojson = { + type = "Feature", + properties = properties, + geometry = { + type = "LineString", + coordinates = coordinates + } + } + return mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson) .. ',' +end + +function p.polygon(frame) + local args = normalise(frame:getParent().args) + + if args[3] == nil then --At least three coordinates are mandatory + return + end + + local properties = { + ["stroke"] = args.color == nil and '#555555' or args.color, + ["stroke-width"] = args.size == nil and 2 or tonumber(args.size), + ["stroke-opacity"] = args.opacity == nil and 1 or tonumber(args.opacity), + ["fill"] = args.fill_color == nil and '#555555' or args.fill_color, + ["fill-opacity"] = args.fill_opacity == nil and 0.3 or tonumber(args.fill_opacity), + ['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title, + ['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description, + } + + local coordinates = {} + local i = 1 + while args[i] ~= nil do + local latlng = mw.text.split( args[i], ",", true ) + coordinates[i] = { + tonumber(latlng[2]), + tonumber(latlng[1]), + } + i = i+1 + end + local latlng = mw.text.split( args[1], ",", true ) + coordinates[i] = { + tonumber(latlng[2]), + tonumber(latlng[1]), + } + + local geojson = { + type = "Feature", + properties = properties, + geometry = { + type = "Polygon", + coordinates = { coordinates } + } + } + return mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson) .. ',' +end + +function p.query(frame) + local args = normalise(frame:getParent().args) + + local query + if args[1] ~= nil then + query = args[1] + else + return + end + + local properties = { + ["stroke"] = args.color == nil and '#555555' or args.color, + ["stroke-width"] = args.size == nil and 2 or tonumber(args.size), + ["stroke-opacity"] = args.opacity == nil and 1 or tonumber(args.opacity), + ["fill"] = args.fill_color == nil and '#555555' or args.fill_color, + ["fill-opacity"] = args.fill_opacity == nil and 0.3 or tonumber(args.fill_opacity), + ['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title, + ['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description, + } + + local service = "geoshape" + if args.contour ~= nil then + service = "geoline" + end + + local geojson = { + type = "ExternalData", + service = service, + query = query, + properties = properties, + } + return mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson) .. ',' +end + +function p.osm(frame) + local args = normalise(frame:getParent().args) + + local qid + if args[1] == nil then + qid = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage() + else + qid = mw.text.trim(args[1]) + end + + local properties = { + ["stroke"] = args.color == nil and '#555555' or args.color, + ["stroke-width"] = args.size == nil and 2 or tonumber(args.size), + ["stroke-opacity"] = args.opacity == nil and 1 or tonumber(args.opacity), + ["fill"] = args.fill_color == nil and '#555555' or args.fill_color, + ["fill-opacity"] = args.fill_opacity == nil and 0.3 or tonumber(args.fill_opacity), + ['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title, + ['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description, + } + + local service = "geoshape" + if args.contour ~= nil then + service = "geoline" + end + + local geojson = { + type = "ExternalData", + service = service, + ids = qid, + properties = properties, + } + return mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson) .. ',' +end + +function p.commons(frame) + local args = normalise(frame:getParent().args) + + if args[1] == nil then + return + end + + local page_name = args[1] + if mw.ustring.find(page_name, "Data:", 1, true) == 1 then + page_name = string.sub(page_name, 6) + end + if mw.ustring.find(page_name, ".map", -4, true) == nil then + page_name = page_name .. '.map' + end + + local geojson = { + type = "ExternalData", + service = "page", + title = page_name + } + return mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson) .. ',' +end + +function p.wikidata(frame) + local args = normalise(frame:getParent().args) + local qid + + local properties = { + ['marker-color'] = args.color == nil and '#555555' or args.color, + ['marker-size'] = args.size == nil and 'medium' or args.size, + ['marker-symbol'] = args.symbol == nil and '' or args.symbol, + ['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title, + ['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description, + } + + if args[1] == nil then + qid = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage() + else + qid = args[1] + end + + local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( qid ) + local value = entity:formatPropertyValues( 'P625', { mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks.RANK_NORMAL, mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks.RANK_PREFERRED, mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks.RANK_TRUTH } ).value + if value == nil then + error('La propriété P625 "coordonnées géographiques" n\'est pas renseigné sur Wikidata') + end + latlng = mw.text.split( mw.text.decode(value), ", ", true ) + geojson = { + type = "Feature", + geometry = { + type = "Point", + coordinates = { + coord._dms2dec(coord._parsedmsstring(latlng[2])), + coord._dms2dec(coord._parsedmsstring(latlng[1])) + } + }, + properties = properties + } + + return mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson) .. ',' +end + +function p.tag(frame) + local args = ( frame.getParent and normalise(frame:getParent().args) ) or frame + + -- Choose the tagname + local tagname = 'mapframe' + if args.lien ~= nil then + tagname = 'maplink' + end + + -- Manage the basics tag params + local tagArgs = { + zoom = args.zoom == nil and args.commons == nil and 14 or tonumber(args.zoom), + height = args.height == nil and 420 or tonumber(args.height), + width = args.width == nil and 420 or tonumber(args.width), + align = args.align == nil and 'right' or args.align, + text = args.text, + } + + if args[1] ~= nil and (args.latitude ~= nil or args.longitude ~= nil) then + error('La ou les valeurs de longitude et/ou de latitude ont été fournis via deux syntaxe différentes. Consultez la documentation du [[Modèle:Carte interactive]] pour obtenir une syntaxe correcte') + elseif args.latitude ~= nil and args.latitude ~= '' + and args.longitude ~= nil and args.longitude ~= '' then + tagArgs.latitude = args.latitude + tagArgs.longitude = args.longitude + elseif args[1] ~= nil and args[2] ~= nil then + tagArgs.latitude = args[1] + tagArgs.longitude = args[2] + elseif args.commons == nil and args.wikidata == nil + and args.formes == nil and args.query == nil and args.externes == nil then --The only exceptions allowed to put latitude and longitude away are when using an external map stored on commons, coord from wikidata, formes, query or externes + error('Les paramètres de latitude et/ou de longitude sont absent') + end + + if tagArgs.latitude ~= nil and tagArgs.longitude ~= nil then + if tonumber(tagArgs.latitude) then + tagArgs.latitude = tonumber(tagArgs.latitude) + else + tagArgs.latitude = coord._dms2dec(coord._parsedmsstring(tagArgs.latitude)) + end + if tonumber(tagArgs.longitude) then + tagArgs.longitude = tonumber(tagArgs.longitude) + else + tagArgs.longitude = coord._dms2dec(coord._parsedmsstring(tagArgs.longitude)) + end + end + + if args.frameless then + tagArgs.frameless = '' + end + + if args.lang ~= nil then + tagArgs.lang = args.lang + end + + -- Manage the basics GeoJSON params + local geojson = {} + + if args.commons ~= nil then + geojson[#geojson+1] = { + type = "ExternalData", + service = "page", + title = args.commons, + } + end + + if args.marqueur ~= nil and args.marqueur ~= '' then + geojson[#geojson+1] = { + type = "Feature", + geometry = { + type = "Point", + coordinates = { + tagArgs.longitude, + tagArgs.latitude + } + }, + properties = { + ['marker-color'] = (args.color == nil or args.color == '') and '#555555' or args.color, + ['marker-size'] = (args.size == nil or args.size == '') and 'medium' or args.size, + ['marker-symbol'] = args.symbol == nil and '' or args.symbol, + ['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title, + ['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description, + } + } + end + + if args.osm ~= nil and args.osm ~= '' then + local qid + if args.osm == 'oui' then + qid = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage() + if qid == nil then + qid = "Q1" + end + else + qid = args.osm + end + + local service = "geoshape" + if args.contour ~= nil then + service = "geoline" + end + + geojson[#geojson+1] = { + type = "ExternalData", + service = service, + ids = qid, + properties = { + ['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title, + ['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description, + ['stroke'] = args.outline_color == nil and '#555555' or args.outline_color, + ['stroke-width'] = args.outline_size == nil and 2 or tonumber(args.outline_size), + } + } + end + + local qid = args.wikidata + if qid and not mw.wikibase.isValidEntityId( qid ) then + qid = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage() + end + if qid and mw.wikibase.isValidEntityId( qid ) then + local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( qid ) + local value = entity:formatPropertyValues( 'P625', { mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks.RANK_NORMAL, mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks.RANK_PREFERRED, mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks.RANK_TRUTH } ).value + if value == '' then + error('La propriété P625 "coordonnées géographiques" n\'est pas renseigné sur Wikidata') + end + latlng = mw.text.split( mw.text.decode(value), ", ", true ) + geojson[#geojson+1] = { + type = "Feature", + geometry = { + type = "Point", + coordinates = { + coord._dms2dec(coord._parsedmsstring(latlng[2])), + coord._dms2dec(coord._parsedmsstring(latlng[1])) + } + }, + properties = { + title = args.title == nil and '' or args.title, + description = args.description == nil and '' or args.description, + } + } + end + + if args.query ~= nil then + local service = "geoshape" + if args.contour ~= nil then + service = "geoline" + end + + geojson[#geojson+1] = { + type = "ExternalData", + service = service, + query = args.query, + properties = { + title = args.title == nil and '' or args.title, + description = args.description == nil and '' or args.description, + } + } + end + + --Manage external GeoJSON datas included through models + if args.formes ~= nil then + geojson[#geojson+1] = { + type = "FeatureCollection", + features = decodeJsonList(args.formes) + } + end + + if args.externes ~= nil and args.externes ~= '' then + local externes = decodeJsonList(args.externes) + for k, externe in pairs(externes) do + geojson[#geojson+1] = externe + end + end + + return frame:extensionTag(tagname, mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson), tagArgs) +end + +return '
Nouvelle taille de la page (new_size)
Ancienne taille de la page (old_size)
Lignes ajoutées par la modification (added_lines)
[ 0 => 'local p = {}', 1 => 'local coord = require( "Module:Coordinates" )', 2 => '', 3 => 'local function normalise(args)', 4 => ' local lookup_table = {', 5 => ' ['largeur'] = 'width',', 6 => ' ['hauteur'] = 'height',', 7 => ' ['texte'] = 'text',', 8 => ' ['legende'] = 'text',', 9 => ' ['légende'] = 'text',', 10 => ' ['déscription'] = 'description',', 11 => ' ['titre'] = 'title',', 12 => ' ['sans_cadre'] = 'frameless',', 13 => ' ['symbole'] = 'symbol',', 14 => ' ['couleur'] = 'color',', 15 => ' ['taille'] = 'size',', 16 => ' ['epaisseur'] = 'size',', 17 => ' ['épaisseur'] = 'size',', 18 => ' ['opacite'] = 'opacity',', 19 => ' ['opacité'] = 'opacity',', 20 => ' ['epaisseur contour'] = 'outline_size',', 21 => ' ['épaisseur contour'] = 'outline_size',', 22 => ' ['couleur contour'] = 'outline_color',', 23 => ' ['opacite contour'] = 'opacity',', 24 => ' ['opacité contour'] = 'opacity',', 25 => ' ['couleur fond'] = 'fill_color',', 26 => ' ['opacite fond'] = 'fill_opacity',', 27 => ' ['opacité fond'] = 'fill_opacity',', 28 => ' ['geoline'] = 'contour',', 29 => ' ['requête'] = 'query',', 30 => ' ['requete'] = 'query',', 31 => ' ['request'] = 'query',', 32 => ' ['langue'] = 'lang',', 33 => ' }', 34 => ' ', 35 => ' for k, v in pairs(lookup_table) do', 36 => ' if args[k] ~= nil then', 37 => ' args[v] = args[k]', 38 => ' end', 39 => ' end', 40 => ' ', 41 => ' return args', 42 => 'end', 43 => '', 44 => 'local function decodeJsonList(value)', 45 => ' --[[ Plusieurs modèles, dont {{Carte interactive/Marqueur}}, ajoutent des', 46 => ' virgules à la fin des représentations JSON des objets. Cela fonctionne avec', 47 => ' le parsing JSON relaxé de HHVM, mais pas PHP7. Ce bug est détaillé ici:', 48 => ' https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T214984', 49 => ' Cette fonction retire donc les virgules finales et initiales, avant', 50 => ' d'appeler mw.text.jsonDecode sur la liste.', 51 => ' ]]', 52 => ' local trimmedValue = mw.text.trim(value, ',')', 53 => ' return mw.text.jsonDecode('[' .. trimmedValue .. ']')', 54 => 'end', 55 => '', 56 => 'function p.marker(frame)', 57 => ' local args = normalise(frame:getParent().args)', 58 => ' ', 59 => ' if args[1] == nil and args.latlng == nil then --One coordinate is mandatory', 60 => ' return', 61 => ' end', 62 => ' ', 63 => ' local properties = {', 64 => ' ['marker-color'] = args.color == nil and '#555555' or args.color,', 65 => ' ['marker-size'] = args.size == nil and 'medium' or args.size,', 66 => ' ['marker-symbol'] = args.symbol == nil and '' or args.symbol,', 67 => ' ['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title,', 68 => ' ['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description,', 69 => ' }', 70 => ' ', 71 => ' local latlng = mw.text.split( (args[1] == nil and args.latlng or args[1]), ",", true )', 72 => ' ', 73 => ' if args.randomise ~= nil then', 74 => ' latlng[1] = latlng[1] + math.random(-tonumber(args.randomise), tonumber(args.randomise))/100000', 75 => ' latlng[2] = latlng[2] + math.random(-tonumber(args.randomise), tonumber(args.randomise))/100000', 76 => ' end', 77 => ' ', 78 => ' local geojson = {', 79 => ' type = "Feature",', 80 => ' properties = properties,', 81 => ' geometry = {', 82 => ' type = "Point",', 83 => ' coordinates = {', 84 => ' tonumber(latlng[2]), ', 85 => ' tonumber(latlng[1]),', 86 => ' }', 87 => ' }', 88 => ' }', 89 => ' return mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson) .. ','', 90 => 'end', 91 => '', 92 => 'function p.line(frame)', 93 => ' local args = normalise(frame:getParent().args)', 94 => ' ', 95 => ' if args[2] == nil then --At least two coordinates are mandatory', 96 => ' return', 97 => ' end', 98 => ' ', 99 => ' local properties = {', 100 => ' ["stroke"] = args.color == nil and '#555555' or args.color,', 101 => ' ["stroke-width"] = args.size == nil and 2 or tonumber(args.size),', 102 => ' ["stroke-opacity"] = args.opacity == nil and 1 or tonumber(args.opacity),', 103 => ' ['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title,', 104 => ' ['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description,', 105 => ' }', 106 => ' ', 107 => ' local coordinates = {}', 108 => ' local i = 1', 109 => ' while args[i] ~= nil do', 110 => ' local latlng = mw.text.split( args[i], ",", true )', 111 => ' coordinates[i] = {', 112 => ' tonumber(latlng[2]), ', 113 => ' tonumber(latlng[1]),', 114 => ' }', 115 => ' i = i+1', 116 => ' end', 117 => ' ', 118 => ' local geojson = {', 119 => ' type = "Feature",', 120 => ' properties = properties,', 121 => ' geometry = {', 122 => ' type = "LineString",', 123 => ' coordinates = coordinates', 124 => ' }', 125 => ' }', 126 => ' return mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson) .. ','', 127 => 'end', 128 => '', 129 => 'function p.polygon(frame)', 130 => ' local args = normalise(frame:getParent().args)', 131 => ' ', 132 => ' if args[3] == nil then --At least three coordinates are mandatory', 133 => ' return', 134 => ' end', 135 => ' ', 136 => ' local properties = {', 137 => ' ["stroke"] = args.color == nil and '#555555' or args.color,', 138 => ' ["stroke-width"] = args.size == nil and 2 or tonumber(args.size),', 139 => ' ["stroke-opacity"] = args.opacity == nil and 1 or tonumber(args.opacity),', 140 => ' ["fill"] = args.fill_color == nil and '#555555' or args.fill_color,', 141 => ' ["fill-opacity"] = args.fill_opacity == nil and 0.3 or tonumber(args.fill_opacity),', 142 => ' ['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title,', 143 => ' ['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description,', 144 => ' }', 145 => ' ', 146 => ' local coordinates = {}', 147 => ' local i = 1', 148 => ' while args[i] ~= nil do', 149 => ' local latlng = mw.text.split( args[i], ",", true )', 150 => ' coordinates[i] = {', 151 => ' tonumber(latlng[2]), ', 152 => ' tonumber(latlng[1]),', 153 => ' }', 154 => ' i = i+1', 155 => ' end', 156 => ' local latlng = mw.text.split( args[1], ",", true )', 157 => ' coordinates[i] = {', 158 => ' tonumber(latlng[2]), ', 159 => ' tonumber(latlng[1]),', 160 => ' }', 161 => ' ', 162 => ' local geojson = {', 163 => ' type = "Feature",', 164 => ' properties = properties,', 165 => ' geometry = {', 166 => ' type = "Polygon",', 167 => ' coordinates = { coordinates }', 168 => ' }', 169 => ' }', 170 => ' return mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson) .. ','', 171 => 'end', 172 => '', 173 => 'function p.query(frame)', 174 => ' local args = normalise(frame:getParent().args)', 175 => ' ', 176 => ' local query', 177 => ' if args[1] ~= nil then', 178 => ' query = args[1]', 179 => ' else', 180 => ' return', 181 => ' end', 182 => ' ', 183 => ' local properties = {', 184 => ' ["stroke"] = args.color == nil and '#555555' or args.color,', 185 => ' ["stroke-width"] = args.size == nil and 2 or tonumber(args.size),', 186 => ' ["stroke-opacity"] = args.opacity == nil and 1 or tonumber(args.opacity),', 187 => ' ["fill"] = args.fill_color == nil and '#555555' or args.fill_color,', 188 => ' ["fill-opacity"] = args.fill_opacity == nil and 0.3 or tonumber(args.fill_opacity),', 189 => ' ['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title,', 190 => ' ['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description,', 191 => ' }', 192 => ' ', 193 => ' local service = "geoshape"', 194 => ' if args.contour ~= nil then', 195 => ' service = "geoline"', 196 => ' end', 197 => ' ', 198 => ' local geojson = {', 199 => ' type = "ExternalData",', 200 => ' service = service,', 201 => ' query = query,', 202 => ' properties = properties,', 203 => ' }', 204 => ' return mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson) .. ','', 205 => 'end', 206 => '', 207 => 'function p.osm(frame)', 208 => ' local args = normalise(frame:getParent().args)', 209 => ' ', 210 => ' local qid', 211 => ' if args[1] == nil then', 212 => ' qid = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage()', 213 => ' else', 214 => ' qid = mw.text.trim(args[1])', 215 => ' end', 216 => ' ', 217 => ' local properties = {', 218 => ' ["stroke"] = args.color == nil and '#555555' or args.color,', 219 => ' ["stroke-width"] = args.size == nil and 2 or tonumber(args.size),', 220 => ' ["stroke-opacity"] = args.opacity == nil and 1 or tonumber(args.opacity),', 221 => ' ["fill"] = args.fill_color == nil and '#555555' or args.fill_color,', 222 => ' ["fill-opacity"] = args.fill_opacity == nil and 0.3 or tonumber(args.fill_opacity),', 223 => ' ['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title,', 224 => ' ['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description,', 225 => ' }', 226 => ' ', 227 => ' local service = "geoshape"', 228 => ' if args.contour ~= nil then', 229 => ' service = "geoline"', 230 => ' end', 231 => ' ', 232 => ' local geojson = {', 233 => ' type = "ExternalData",', 234 => ' service = service,', 235 => ' ids = qid,', 236 => ' properties = properties,', 237 => ' }', 238 => ' return mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson) .. ','', 239 => 'end', 240 => '', 241 => 'function p.commons(frame)', 242 => ' local args = normalise(frame:getParent().args)', 243 => ' ', 244 => ' if args[1] == nil then', 245 => ' return', 246 => ' end', 247 => ' ', 248 => ' local page_name = args[1]', 249 => ' if mw.ustring.find(page_name, "Data:", 1, true) == 1 then', 250 => ' page_name = string.sub(page_name, 6)', 251 => ' end', 252 => ' if mw.ustring.find(page_name, ".map", -4, true) == nil then', 253 => ' page_name = page_name .. '.map'', 254 => ' end', 255 => ' ', 256 => ' local geojson = {', 257 => ' type = "ExternalData",', 258 => ' service = "page",', 259 => ' title = page_name', 260 => ' }', 261 => ' return mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson) .. ','', 262 => 'end', 263 => '', 264 => 'function p.wikidata(frame)', 265 => ' local args = normalise(frame:getParent().args)', 266 => ' local qid', 267 => ' ', 268 => ' local properties = {', 269 => ' ['marker-color'] = args.color == nil and '#555555' or args.color,', 270 => ' ['marker-size'] = args.size == nil and 'medium' or args.size,', 271 => ' ['marker-symbol'] = args.symbol == nil and '' or args.symbol,', 272 => ' ['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title,', 273 => ' ['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description,', 274 => ' }', 275 => ' ', 276 => ' if args[1] == nil then', 277 => ' qid = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage()', 278 => ' else', 279 => ' qid = args[1]', 280 => ' end', 281 => ' ', 282 => ' local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( qid )', 283 => ' local value = entity:formatPropertyValues( 'P625', { mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks.RANK_NORMAL, mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks.RANK_PREFERRED, mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks.RANK_TRUTH } ).value', 284 => ' if value == nil then', 285 => ' error('La propriété P625 "coordonnées géographiques" n\'est pas renseigné sur Wikidata')', 286 => ' end', 287 => ' latlng = mw.text.split( mw.text.decode(value), ", ", true )', 288 => ' geojson = {', 289 => ' type = "Feature",', 290 => ' geometry = {', 291 => ' type = "Point",', 292 => ' coordinates = {', 293 => ' coord._dms2dec(coord._parsedmsstring(latlng[2])), ', 294 => ' coord._dms2dec(coord._parsedmsstring(latlng[1]))', 295 => ' }', 296 => ' },', 297 => ' properties = properties', 298 => ' }', 299 => ' ', 300 => ' return mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson) .. ','', 301 => 'end', 302 => '', 303 => 'function p.tag(frame)', 304 => ' local args = ( frame.getParent and normalise(frame:getParent().args) ) or frame', 305 => ' ', 306 => ' -- Choose the tagname', 307 => ' local tagname = 'mapframe'', 308 => ' if args.lien ~= nil then', 309 => ' tagname = 'maplink'', 310 => ' end', 311 => '', 312 => ' -- Manage the basics tag params', 313 => ' local tagArgs = {', 314 => ' zoom = args.zoom == nil and args.commons == nil and 14 or tonumber(args.zoom),', 315 => ' height = args.height == nil and 420 or tonumber(args.height),', 316 => ' width = args.width == nil and 420 or tonumber(args.width),', 317 => ' align = args.align == nil and 'right' or args.align,', 318 => ' text = args.text,', 319 => ' }', 320 => ' ', 321 => ' if args[1] ~= nil and (args.latitude ~= nil or args.longitude ~= nil) then', 322 => ' error('La ou les valeurs de longitude et/ou de latitude ont été fournis via deux syntaxe différentes. Consultez la documentation du [[Modèle:Carte interactive]] pour obtenir une syntaxe correcte')', 323 => ' elseif args.latitude ~= nil and args.latitude ~= ''', 324 => ' and args.longitude ~= nil and args.longitude ~= '' then', 325 => ' tagArgs.latitude = args.latitude', 326 => ' tagArgs.longitude = args.longitude', 327 => ' elseif args[1] ~= nil and args[2] ~= nil then', 328 => ' tagArgs.latitude = args[1]', 329 => ' tagArgs.longitude = args[2]', 330 => ' elseif args.commons == nil and args.wikidata == nil', 331 => ' and args.formes == nil and args.query == nil and args.externes == nil then --The only exceptions allowed to put latitude and longitude away are when using an external map stored on commons, coord from wikidata, formes, query or externes', 332 => ' error('Les paramètres de latitude et/ou de longitude sont absent')', 333 => ' end', 334 => ' ', 335 => ' if tagArgs.latitude ~= nil and tagArgs.longitude ~= nil then', 336 => ' if tonumber(tagArgs.latitude) then', 337 => ' tagArgs.latitude = tonumber(tagArgs.latitude)', 338 => ' else', 339 => ' tagArgs.latitude = coord._dms2dec(coord._parsedmsstring(tagArgs.latitude))', 340 => ' end', 341 => ' if tonumber(tagArgs.longitude) then', 342 => ' tagArgs.longitude = tonumber(tagArgs.longitude)', 343 => ' else', 344 => ' tagArgs.longitude = coord._dms2dec(coord._parsedmsstring(tagArgs.longitude))', 345 => ' end', 346 => ' end', 347 => '', 348 => ' if args.frameless then', 349 => ' tagArgs.frameless = ''', 350 => ' end', 351 => ' ', 352 => ' if args.lang ~= nil then', 353 => ' tagArgs.lang = args.lang', 354 => ' end', 355 => ' ', 356 => ' -- Manage the basics GeoJSON params', 357 => ' local geojson = {}', 358 => ' ', 359 => ' if args.commons ~= nil then', 360 => ' geojson[#geojson+1] = {', 361 => ' type = "ExternalData",', 362 => ' service = "page",', 363 => ' title = args.commons,', 364 => ' }', 365 => ' end', 366 => ' ', 367 => ' if args.marqueur ~= nil and args.marqueur ~= '' then', 368 => ' geojson[#geojson+1] = {', 369 => ' type = "Feature",', 370 => ' geometry = {', 371 => ' type = "Point",', 372 => ' coordinates = {', 373 => ' tagArgs.longitude, ', 374 => ' tagArgs.latitude', 375 => ' }', 376 => ' },', 377 => ' properties = {', 378 => ' ['marker-color'] = (args.color == nil or args.color == '') and '#555555' or args.color,', 379 => ' ['marker-size'] = (args.size == nil or args.size == '') and 'medium' or args.size,', 380 => ' ['marker-symbol'] = args.symbol == nil and '' or args.symbol,', 381 => ' ['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title,', 382 => ' ['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description,', 383 => ' }', 384 => ' }', 385 => ' end', 386 => ' ', 387 => ' if args.osm ~= nil and args.osm ~= '' then', 388 => ' local qid', 389 => ' if args.osm == 'oui' then', 390 => ' qid = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage()', 391 => ' if qid == nil then', 392 => ' qid = "Q1"', 393 => ' end', 394 => ' else', 395 => ' qid = args.osm', 396 => ' end', 397 => ' ', 398 => ' local service = "geoshape"', 399 => ' if args.contour ~= nil then', 400 => ' service = "geoline"', 401 => ' end', 402 => ' ', 403 => ' geojson[#geojson+1] = {', 404 => ' type = "ExternalData",', 405 => ' service = service,', 406 => ' ids = qid,', 407 => ' properties = {', 408 => ' ['title'] = args.title == nil and '' or args.title,', 409 => ' ['description'] = args.description == nil and '' or args.description,', 410 => ' ['stroke'] = args.outline_color == nil and '#555555' or args.outline_color,', 411 => ' ['stroke-width'] = args.outline_size == nil and 2 or tonumber(args.outline_size),', 412 => ' }', 413 => ' }', 414 => ' end', 415 => ' ', 416 => ' local qid = args.wikidata', 417 => ' if qid and not mw.wikibase.isValidEntityId( qid ) then', 418 => ' qid = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage()', 419 => ' end', 420 => ' if qid and mw.wikibase.isValidEntityId( qid ) then', 421 => ' local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( qid )', 422 => ' local value = entity:formatPropertyValues( 'P625', { mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks.RANK_NORMAL, mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks.RANK_PREFERRED, mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks.RANK_TRUTH } ).value', 423 => ' if value == '' then', 424 => ' error('La propriété P625 "coordonnées géographiques" n\'est pas renseigné sur Wikidata')', 425 => ' end', 426 => ' latlng = mw.text.split( mw.text.decode(value), ", ", true )', 427 => ' geojson[#geojson+1] = {', 428 => ' type = "Feature",', 429 => ' geometry = {', 430 => ' type = "Point",', 431 => ' coordinates = {', 432 => ' coord._dms2dec(coord._parsedmsstring(latlng[2])), ', 433 => ' coord._dms2dec(coord._parsedmsstring(latlng[1]))', 434 => ' }', 435 => ' },', 436 => ' properties = {', 437 => ' title = args.title == nil and '' or args.title,', 438 => ' description = args.description == nil and '' or args.description,', 439 => ' }', 440 => ' }', 441 => ' end', 442 => ' ', 443 => ' if args.query ~= nil then', 444 => ' local service = "geoshape"', 445 => ' if args.contour ~= nil then', 446 => ' service = "geoline"', 447 => ' end', 448 => ' ', 449 => ' geojson[#geojson+1] = {', 450 => ' type = "ExternalData",', 451 => ' service = service,', 452 => ' query = args.query,', 453 => ' properties = {', 454 => ' title = args.title == nil and '' or args.title,', 455 => ' description = args.description == nil and '' or args.description,', 456 => ' }', 457 => ' }', 458 => ' end', 459 => ' ', 460 => ' --Manage external GeoJSON datas included through models', 461 => ' if args.formes ~= nil then', 462 => ' geojson[#geojson+1] = {', 463 => ' type = "FeatureCollection",', 464 => ' features = decodeJsonList(args.formes)', 465 => ' }', 466 => ' end', 467 => ' ', 468 => ' if args.externes ~= nil and args.externes ~= '' then', 469 => ' local externes = decodeJsonList(args.externes)', 470 => ' for k, externe in pairs(externes) do', 471 => ' geojson[#geojson+1] = externe', 472 => ' end', 473 => ' end', 474 => ' ', 475 => ' return frame:extensionTag(tagname, mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson), tagArgs)', 476 => 'end', 477 => '', 478 => 'return' ]
Horodatage Unix de la modification (timestamp)